
Executive Diploma in Design Thinking - Managerial Creativity and Organizational Innovation

主辦機構 : The Hong Kong Management Association
合辦機構 : N/A
參考編號 : N/A


獲取學歷 : N/A   截止報名日期 : 16 Oct 2019
頒發國家 : N/A   開課日期 : 23 Oct 2019
學費 : HKD 9,900   修讀為期 : To be Advised
授課形式 : N/A   資助計劃 : N/A
入學要求 : N/A

課程內容 : <h5><strong>MODULE 1. MANAGERIAL CREATIVITY 管理創意</strong></h5>
<ol type="1">
<li>Differentiate creativity and innovation</li>
<li>Explain the birth of a new idea</li>
<li>Practise creative thinking tools</li>
<ul type="disc">
<li>Creativity vs. innovation</li>
<li>The birth of a new idea</li>
<li>From agricultural to conceptual age</li>
<li>Conceptual blockbuster</li>
<li>From a closed mind to an open one</li>
<li>Praise first PPCO</li>
<li>Creative thinking toolbox</li>
<li>The limitation of brainstorming</li>
<li>Seeking opportunities</li>
<li>The 3M story, etc.</li>
<h5><strong>MODULE 2. ORGANIZATIONAL INNOVATION 組織創新</strong></h5>
<ol type="1">
<li>Find out customers' needs</li>
<li>Design an innovative organization</li>
<li>Mobilize a creative team</li>
<ul type="disc">
<li>Unseen threats and missed opportunities</li>
<li>Is your organization innovative?</li>
<li>Desirability, feasibility and viability</li>
<li>Kaizen vs. Innovation</li>
<li>Who are your customers?</li>
<li>Customer needs analysis</li>
<li>Shared vision with visualization</li>
<li>Recruiting creative talents</li>
<li>Bridging the knowing/doing gap</li>
<li>The Dyson story, etc.</li>
<h5><strong>MODULE 3. DESIGN THINKING 設計思維</strong></h5>
<ol type="1">
<li>Explain the principles of design thinking</li>
<li>Describe the design thinking process</li>
<li>Create a design thinking culture</li>
<ul type="disc">
<li>What is design thinking?</li>
<li>Design approach vs. scientific approach</li>
<li>The wicked problem</li>
<li>Design thinking principles</li>
<li>The design thinking process</li>
<li>How managers and designers can work together?</li>
<li>Design thinking culture</li>
<li>The big idea</li>
<li>Educating managers for design</li>
<li>The Apple story, etc</li>

諮詢講座 : N/A

備註 : <table>
<td colspan="2">For course details:</td>
<td>Shirley Chan:</td>
<td><a href="tel:27748569">2774 8569</a></td>
<td><a href="mailto:details.cdp@hkma.org.hk">details.cdp@hkma.org.hk</a></td>
<td height="20">&nbsp;</td>
<td colspan="2">General Enquiry & Enrollment</td>
<td colspan="2"><a href="tel:27748500">2774 8500</a>&nbsp;or&nbsp;<a href="tel:27748501">2774 8501</a></td>
<td><a href="tel:23651000">2365 1000</a></td>

查詢 : 電話 27748542
傳真 23651000
電郵 edm@hkma.org.hk
網址 http://www.hkma.org.hk

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