Backco-ed boarding school

Brentwood College School

School Name: Brentwood College School
Location: 2735 Mount Baker Road, Mill Bay, British Columbia, V0R 2P1, Canada
Founded Year: 1923
Type: Co-ed
Boarding Age: 13-18
Year Group: Kindergarten - Grade 12 and PG
No. of Students: 455
No. of Boarders: 355
Average Class: 20 students
School Facilities:
This oceanfront school has tennis courts, rugby fields, eight student residences, two academic buildings, a rowing boat house, laundry facilities, a cafeteria, a sportsplex, and a health center.In 1995, the T. Gill Bunch Centre was built. This 20,000-square-foot (1,900 m2) performing arts centre houses a theatre in addition to acting, dance, and singing facilities.
Average SAT:
Entry Requirement:

SSAT results, extracurricular interests, and interview

Extracurricular Activities:

Contact Details
Director of Admissions:
Clayton Johnston
2735 Mount Baker Road, Mill Bay, British Columbia, V0R 2P1, Canada
+1(250) 743 5521

The School

  • Brentwood offers university preparatory education from grade 9 to 12. Brentwood has been ranked consistently as one of the top academic high schools in British Columbia. Students participate in Brentwood's tri-partite programme (academics, arts, and sports).
  • All graduates attend post-secondary education (78% to their first choice of university). The most popular countries for post-secondary education are Canada, Scotland, England, and the United States.
  • Students can take British Columbia provincial examinations, Advanced Placement exams, courses and the American SAT prep tutorials.
  • 2009 graduates received offers from over 100 universities, including Oxford University, Duke University, Brown University, Colgate University, Queen's University, University of Victoria, University of British Columbia, and University of St Andrews, School of Medicine.


  • Please contact the Admission Office directly by email, by post or visit the School website for latest information.

2012/13 Canadian High School Boarding Fees# (CAD$) Per Year

7th Grade (12/13 Years Old)8th Grade (13/14 Years Old)9th Grade (14/15 Years Old)10th Grade (15-16 Years Old)11th Grade (16-17 Years Old)12th Grade (17-18 Years Old)
 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000

Remark: #Inclusive of tuition and residence fee but exclusive of miscellaneous fees, such as uniform, extracurricular activities

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