Backco-ed boarding school

Trinity College School

School Name: Trinity College School
Location: 55 Deblaquire Street North, Port Hope, Ontario, L1A 4K7, Canada
Founded Year: 1865
Religion: Anglican
Motto: Beati mundo corde (Blessed are the pure in heart)
Type: Co-ed
Boarding Age: 13-18
Year Group: Grade 5 - Grade 12 and PG
No. of Students: 550
No. of Boarders: 270
Average Class: 16 students
School Facilities:
  • On-site observatory, telescope and electron microscope
  • Nine musical/choral ensembles and digital music labs
Average SAT:
Entry Requirement:

SSAT results, extracurricular interests, and interview

Extracurricular Activities:
  • Include athletics, arts and music, and community service. A recreational sports programme is also available, allowing students the opportunity to participate in a non-competitive sports environment.
  • 24 interscholastic and intramural sports.

Contact Details
Director of Admissions:
Kathy La Branche
55 Deblaquire Street North, Port Hope, Ontario, L1A 4K7, Canada
+1(905) 885 3209

The School

  • Trinity College School (TCS) is a coeducational, includes a Senior School for grades 9 to 12 and a Junior School for grades 5 to 8.
  • Academics are the major focus at TCS and are vigorous and challenging, to ensure only the smartest and strongest students survive. Many will struggle but only the best will continue. The school offers a wide range of courses geared towards all realms of post-secondary education. Advanced Placement courses allow Grade 11 and 12 students to study fi rst year university course material, and perhaps earn a university credit after taking a standardized examination in May.
  • Extensive AP offerings
  • Three full-scale theatrical productions
  • 24 interscholastic and intramural sports
  • 100 per cent university acceptance
  • Strong, involved community service


  • Admission to TCS is based on:
    • The candidate's academic record.
    • The candidate's performance on our aptitude tests or the SSAT.
    • The School's assessment of the candidate's character.
  • Trinity College School’s admissions offi ce uses Canadian standardized objective tests as one of its tools for evaluating potential TCS students. These tests are neither pass-fail nor competitive. Each applicant’s results are evaluated on the basis of his or her current grade and age.
  • The test is 40 minutes in length. The verbal portion of the test deals with knowledge of vocabulary and the ability to use words correctly in sentences. The quantitative portion of the test assesses mathematical skills; questions are based on basic math principles.

2012/13 Canadian High School Boarding Fees# (CAD$) Per Year

7th Grade (12/13 Years Old)8th Grade (13/14 Years Old)9th Grade (14/15 Years Old)10th Grade (15-16 Years Old)11th Grade (16-17 Years Old)12th Grade (17-18 Years Old)
 - - 52,590 52,590 52,59052,590

Remark: #Inclusive of tuition and residence fee but exclusive of miscellaneous fees, such as uniform, extracurricular activities

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