Queen Margaret's School
School Name: | Queen Margaret's School |
Location: | Escrick Park, York, YO19 6EU, United Kingdom |
Founded Year: | 1901 |
Religion: | Church of England |
Type: | Girls |
Boarding Age: | 11-18 |
Year Group: | Year 6 - Year 13 |
No. of Students: | 300 |
No. of Boarders: | 272 |
Contact Details |
Director of Admissions: Ms Nicky Craig |
Address: Escrick Park, York, YO19 6EU, United Kingdom |
Telephone: +44 (0) 1904 728261 |
Email: admissions@queenmargarets.com |
Web: http://www.queenmargarets.com |

The School
- The School offers a full range of academicsubjects at GCSE, AS- and A-level. GCSEs are chosen from twenty four subjects.
- It is a small school, with friendly, happy, wellmotivated girls.
- New facilities include an indoor swimming pool, chapel and theatre.
- There is a good staff:pupil ratio of 1:7.
- It is strong academically and examination results are very good.
- Big parental involvement in many areas of school life (eg organisation, cultural, work experience etc).
- It is strong in music, drama and art.
- There is a wide range of sports, games in which high standards are achieved.
- Public examination results in 2011 put QM among the top schools in the country with a 100% pass rate and 86% of entries achieving grades A*-B at A Level and 95% of entries achieving A*-C at GCSE.
- Please contact the Admission Offi ce directly byemail, by post or visit the School website for latest information.
Boarding Houses
- Around 80% of pupils are boarders.
- They are assigned to a boarding house based on year group and age.
- Each boarding house is supervised by a housemaster or housemistress who is assisted by the head of year.
- Upper sixth have own study bedroom, lower sixth share with one other.
- Resident qualifi ed medical staff. Central dining room. 1-2 weekend and one half-term exeat each term. Visits to local town allowed from 13 upwards.
GCSE Subjects
- Must study English Language, English Literature,Mathematics, Science and a Modern Foreign Language. In addition, most girls opt to study four other subjects.
- Over 60% take GCSE in more than 1 language. Regular exchanges (France). ICT: Taught both as a discrete subject and across the curriculum (eg. graphs and charts in maths, spreadsheets for science and economics).
GCE AL Subject Choice
- In the Sixth Form, twenty seven subjects are offered at AS and A2 level. At AS level, most girls opt to study four or fi ve subjects, reducing to three or four at A2 level.
- Mathematics, English Language, English Literature, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Geography, French, German, Spanish
- Chinese (Mandarin), Latin, Classics, Art, Textiles, Technology, Home Economics, Drama, Performance Studies, I.T., P.S.E (Personal and Social Education), P.E, Religious Studies, Music, Applied Business, Government and Politics, Health and Social, Psychology
2012/13 Boarding Fees# (GBP£) Per Term (3 Terms Per Year)
Y4 | Y6 | Y7 | Y9 | Y10 | Y12 |
Y5 | Y8 | Y11 | Y13 | ||
- | - | - | - | - | 9,275 |
Remark: #Inclusive of tuition fees but exclusive of miscellaneous fees, such as uniform, extracurricular activities